On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 09:40:39PM -0500, Liudmila Yafremava wrote:
> Hello!
> I have been trying to install Sarge on Toshiba Libretto 110ct
>  for weeks with no success. I gravely need someone to take me
> through it, as I feel that I've tried everything and can't
> think of anything else to do.
Hi Liudmila,
I have a 100ct. I installed redhat 7.2 long ago and then upgraded to
Debian Sarge. The way I did it was a bit complicated, so I will tell you
an easier way. 
1) remove the 2.5" hd from the libretto
2) get a 2.5"=>3.5" hd adapter (about $5)
3) install this in a regular desktop pc
4) put sarge cd in cdrom 
5) install sarge 
6) remove hd
7) reinstall in libretto
8) fix settings
ps. once you get the hd back in, email for info about tweaking the
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