kangja wrote:
Sorry, forgot about the attachment in the previous mail.

Mine is a 7-button optical mouse. It had worked properly before when I was running kernel-2.6.12. Failed to work after I upgraded to kernel-2.6.15. It does not work whether I use udev or not. I can make it work by doing a alt-ctrl-f1 to enter command-line mode and then a alt-f7 to return to GUI mode. But this in not proper.

I have an A4Tech optical mouse USB attached with two wheels and 5 additional buttons.

The wheels are important to me because they do backwards-forwards and up-down.

I have:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mouse0"
        Driver          "evdev"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event3" # (cat /proc/bus/input/devices)
        Option          "Name" "A4Tech USB Optical Mouse"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "6 7 4 5"
        Option          "Buttons"               "12"

Also I had to use Xmodmap to redo the buttons to:

pointer = 1 3 2 6 7 5 4

Of course the evdev kernel module has to be loaded.


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