On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 11:03 -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to my actual question, or should I take
> it up with the GNOME developers?  Or even violate what I just wrote and file
> a Debian bug and let the Debian developers take it up with the GNOME
> developers?

The actual problem is a GNOME problem. Going along with the "Sane
Defaults" and Limiting the options you have for "touchy-feely" or Look
and feel of the Desktop environment. As my saying goes:

        Praise be to Havoc! (Pennington)

Not that I disagree with the ideals behind his implementations, just
that his implementation, ritualistic sacrificing of knob and buttons to
the HCI Gods, has me a bit (read as: a lot) ticked off. 

Don't bring up the fact that you *CAN* still change stuff using
gconftool or other lovely "registry style" editor.

It is one of my pet peeves with GNOME. I still use GNOME, mainly because
all current desktop environments suck, GNOME sucks the least (at least
to me).

The actual problem is with Language Handling and the simplification of
it for End users. Which means, file a bug report *SOMEWHERE* where you
feel it will at least be looked at.

The problem with xterm breaking in xorg, I believe is fixable without
re-compiling it. As I am using "clean" rather than the default without
problems. It might be a personal config issue, which had to change with
the nomenclature of font specification changed with xorg. Though, I
could be wrong on the font spec change.

I do know that xterm changed when i upgraded to the xorg v7 setup
(integrating everything into the standard file locations vs /*/X11/

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