Lawrence Nahum wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a computer with a two 56k serial modem that serve internet 
> connectivity to my lan.
> I have different providers (ISP) and I sometimes I need both 
> connections UP.
> Is the first time i use ppp on linux, i've checked some howto and  yes,
> i'm a little confused.
> pon, poff, chat,  and the two type of authentication available (CHAP 
> and PAP)..
> I need to do all via a non interactive way since the all  configuration
> need to be managed by an application on the webserver  and i wonder what
> is the best way.
> I have all the ISP data (phone number, user, password) given via 
> webinterface and I need to generate the configuration on the fly.
> Thanks for any answer.
> Lawrence

shorewall has the ability to handle multi-ISP setups.  I don't see why
it would be a problem if both ISPs were dialup.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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