El Lunes, 12 de Junio de 2006 18:45, Redefined Horizons escribió:
>I'm currently running Debian Sarge and MS Windows XP Office on the
>same 8GB hard drive. I talked my IT guy out of a 20 GB hard drive. I'd
>like to install Debian on the new 20GB harddrive, and install MS
>Windows on the 8 GB hard drive.
>Is this possible?
>Which order should I use to install the operating systems?
>I'm guessing I set the 8GB hard drive as the master and install MS
>Windows first. I then set the 20GB hard drive to "slave" and install
>Debian. Is this correct?
>Can I tell Debian to leave the 8GB hard drive alone and to only
>install on the 20 GB.
> Thanks for the information.
>Scott Huey
first install windows, then linux because windows don't know about linux
you can do the partitions you said, but when you install linux it has to write 
the mbr (master boot record) of the first partition and you will not be 
available to run windows. but you can configure lilo or grub to use windows.
just search the web about lilo or grub (depens on wich distro you use) and 
windows. it's easy.

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