On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 10:28:09AM +1000, Arafangion wrote:
> On Thursday 15 June 2006 09:41, Tom Allison wrote:
> > After running with Perl for some 7+ years I decided I would see what else
> > is out there and my pick was to go from Perl directly to Ruby, passing
> > Python entirely.
> >
> > And so it's been an interesting adventure so far.
> >
> > But I have two questions about Debian and Ruby and playing well together.
> >
> > I've run into a number of modules (fcgi, dbi, dbd) which have no
> > documentation when they are installed via the debian package system.
> >
> > So my first question is this -- is this a Debian problem or an upstream
> > problem?
> >
> > Second, is there something like perl's dh-make-perl for Ruby?
> >
> > Third, does gems have an assurance of bringing in these documents any
> > better?
> I wouldn't ignore Python altogether, but that aside, Ruby's documentation and 
> maturity has always been lacking (I did my project in Python, because Ruby's 
> wx binding sucked)
Hi *, 
not sure but I recall that ruby interest recently has gotten to where there is
a sub project to work on ruby integreation into debian like a dh-make-ruby,
ruby 'policy' and a similar alioth project. IIRC they are working getting gems
(and other ruby stuff) into debian but have not figured out all the specifics.
There is IIRC also a debian-ruby list for even more fun! I also have start to
make small steps from perl into ruby and love the fact that ruby has OO right
out of the box. This may explain the lack of docs and maybe the fact that it
comes from a mostly japanese dev community? 
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