On Sun, Jun 25, 2006 at 11:15:52AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 25, 2006 at 10:48:28AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> >> When US keyboards have the Euro symbol on it, then it will have
> >>  happened.
> > 
> > Well, I don't think that is or should be a requirement...  I
> > mean, why limit that idea to just the Euro symbol?
> Said nothing about "limit" and "only".  The point was that when US
> h/w is internationalized enough to have foreign symbols on it,
> typing them will be, by default, mundane.

The point I was trying to make is that this is an extremely arbitrary
measure of whether or not a particular keyboard, or the OS you're
using it under, is Unicode-friendly.  The keyboard can only be so big
before it loses its usefulness...  The US keyboard already has a fine
array of characters on it.  I would venture a guess that the vast
majority of US citizens who own a computer will never have a reason to
type the Euro symbol as long as they live... so why should the US
keyboard have it?

What is needed is a handy way to enter characters that are NOT on
it...  And it sounds like SCIM is the answer I'm looking for, from
another post in this thread.  However, as it turns out I already have
this installed on my Debian systems at work), and much like the other
IMEs I've tried to get working, the documentation seems to be
nonexistant (or at least I couldn't find much of anything useful in
the 10 minutes I had to look this afternoon).

> Until then, console apps (and thus the OS) won't be UTF-friendly.

Actually, you may find these helpful:


Particularly the first.  While I don't speak Belgian, I did find that
the second discussed several ways to configure the system to allow the
entry of accented latin characters.

Derek D. Martin
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