On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 08:00:27AM +0000, ZeroUno wrote:
> Kevin Mark ha scritto:
> That's why I'm here.
> Being sure about this, based only on vendor and official web site 
> informations, is not possible. They simply tell you that they are sure 
> their stuff works fine with RH etc., and that they have no idea how it 
> will work with Debian. And searching the web for such info is not easy. 
> So I asked here, hoping that some experienced Debian user had already 
> used some braded servers and could give me some suggestions.
> Thank you all for your answers, they will make my choice easier.
Hi again,
I just remembered there are other mailing lists --- debian-isp comes to
mind. They probably have more 'real data' then our list which is for
'users'. Check out lists.debian.org for other options.
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