On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 11:28:18AM -0700, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> I'm having some trouble installing a package. I think I might be
> totally missing something here, but I can't figure it out. I thought
> I'd ask for some help.
> I'm trying to get Subclipse to work in Eclipse with a local
> repository. To do this I need to have the latest version of the
> libsvn-javahl Debian package installed. The Subclipse team is no
> longer preparing this package, but someone else has put together an
> alternate package that does the trick.
> The original deb is named "libsvn-javahl_1.2.3dfsg1-3_i386.deb", and
> it is currently installed.
> The alternate package is named
> "libsvn-javahl_1.2.0-1.ggtools.1_i386.deb". I placed this deb on my
> local hard drive, and then ran dpkg-scanpackages.
> However, the alternate package is not showing up in Synaptic. When I
> try to use apt to install it tells me the version of libsvn-javahl is
> already current.
> I think the problem may be with the similarity in the package names.
> Is this correct? Do I need to uninstall the original package before I
> can install the alternate?

The problem is probably that the alternate package is a lower version
number than the current debian package[1].  1.2.0-1.ggtools.1 is lower 
than 1.2.3dfsg1-3 -- I think apt-pinning is needed to install _and keep_
a lower package version.  You would add a stanza to your
/etc/apt/preferences containing:

Package: libsvn-javahl
Pin: version 1.2.0-1.ggtools.1
Pin-Priority: 1001

Then an update and upgrade (of course with your local repository in 
sources.list) will pull in the other version of libsvn-javahl

For more information, install apt-howto (will download all
languages--may want -en or other) and check it out.

[1] It would cause more trouble if they had different names, so I don't
consider that a problem, but a feature

Christopher Nelson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you
do it.                -- Gandhi

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