On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 04:53:31PM +0100, Stephen Fahey wrote:
> Robin Putters wrote:
> >On Sat, 2006-07-08 at 14:20 +0100, Stephen Fahey wrote:
> >  
> >>I now cannot open Update manager or start Synaptic package Manager.
> >>I think the issue is I'm not being asked for Administrator password, 
> >>access to  Root Terminal does not get a response.  Running  :~$ apt-get 
> >>check in Terminal returns
> >>
> >>    
> >
> >Try :
> >:~$ sudo apt-get update
> >
> >or 
> >
> >:~$ su -c "apt-get update"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> sudo apt-get update resulted in password prompt but wouldn't except
> password, so tried next see below:

what password did you use? you should have used your users password,
not the root password. Is you user in the sudoers list? man sudo

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ su -c "apt-get update"
> Password:
> Get: 1 http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu etch Release.gpg [189B]
> Hit http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu etch Release
> Hit http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu etch/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Hit http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu etch/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Get: 2 http://security.debian.org etch/updates Release.gpg [189B]
> Hit http://security.debian.org etch/updates Release
> Ign http://security.debian.org etch/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://security.debian.org etch/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
> Hit http://security.debian.org etch/updates/main Packages
> Hit http://security.debian.org etch/updates/main Sources
> Fetched 2B in 3s (1B/s)
> Reading package lists... Done

this command worked properly. you apt system seems to be working fine.

> I however still have access problems. Holding the mouse over the Update 
> manager symbol I see the message
> "A error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu 
> or apt-get on a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was: 
> 'Error: BrokenCount > 0' "
> Doing so gets no response.

which update manager are you talking about here? what desktop system
are you running: gnome? kde? some other? 

> Is there a way of logging in as administrator (root) on startup? or am I 
> going to have to reinstall.

yes. you can log in as administrator many ways. the easiest is to upen
a terminal and type the su command. then enter the root password. you
will see the command line prompt change to a different style and you
will be then operating as root. be sure to exit out of root when you
are done.

you most certainly will not have to reinstall. once you install
debian, unless you REALLY REALLY break something, you'll never have to
reinstall. this list can help you solve all kinds of problems, but it
is important to provide really detailed information such as what
commands you've issued, what the responses were -- prefereably
verbatim (copy and paste from terminal windows). 


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