On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 10:18:14AM +0100, Chris Carr wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm wondering where to file this bug - last time I filed it against
> debian-installer, but it got reassigned to kernel-source, so I want to
> get it right this time. 
> Grateful for some confirmation that kernel-source is the correct package
> (maybe the device mapper stuff is a separate package - ISTR something
> about moving ataraid into user space with a dmraid tool) - I don't want
> to annoy the debian-installer folks again.
> Thanks,
Hi Chris,
most users can narrow down what they think is causing the problem but
sometimes they get it wrong. Either way, the maintainers will read the
report and determine for themselves if they agree with you. If they
dont, they will move the bug. So, file the bug and let the chips fall
where they may. The only bad bug report is the one not filed x-)
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