On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 10:24:37PM +0200, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
> I've been following the various suggestions come from this list 
> about the possibilities Linux offers to chat:
> my family want to use `messenger' and ICQ, and before resigning myself
> to use MS Windows I wanted to check all the possibilities.
> My impression is that `gaim' manages to use the MSN protocol quite fine,
> whereas for ICQ, nor `licq' neither `centericq' neither `gabber' (through
> jabber network) can satisfactorily replace the richness of 
> original ICQ for MS Windows. They only allow the mere IM function 
> but don't really allow (as far as I saw) 
> wide users search or multiple chat.
> So I'll have to use MS Windows, although I wouldn't like.
> If anybody has a different experience, i.e. finds that licq,
> or any other application can perform those functions just or almost
> just as the original does - and this means that I didn't manage to use 
> them properly - please let me know, I'll be glad to have been wrong.
> Thanks, cheers,
Hi Rodolfo,
I have had some success with using Wine to run some Win32 programs: 
Internet Explorer, Firefox with flash 8, photoshop,... Thus I get the
ability to run an win32 program, dont need to buy M$ Os and dont need to
install it. Maybe try ICQ with WINE.
ps. It beats having your folks having a nice virus/spyware target x-)

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