> I also had this problem of the gnome-control-center screwing with the
> font sizes; that is one of the reasons why I never open it anymore.
> So, what is the difference between your setup and mine? Maybe it is a
> setting in ~/.gtkrc-2.0. Here is what I have (I had gtk2-engines-gtk-qt
> installed at one point):
> # This file was written by KDE
> # You can edit it in the KDE control center, under "GTK Styles and Fonts"
> include "/usr/share/themes/Qt/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
> style "user-font"
> {
>         font_name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11"
> }
> widget_class "*" style "user-font"
> gtk-theme-name="Qt"
> gtk-font-name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11"
> # ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ends above this line
> Maybe it is something in the general X setup. Do you run a font server?
> I use xfs and have it listed as the first FontPath in my xorg.conf.

I checked the X resources with 'xrdb -query', and found the following Xft 
related settings:

Xft.antialias:  0
Xft.hinting:    1
Xft.hintstyle:  hintmedium
Xft.rgba:       rgb

I don't know why Xft.antialias was set to 0, since from .fonts.conf I would 
think that it should be 1:

The relevant part of .fonts.conf:
 <match target="font" >
  <edit mode="assign" name="antialias" >

But setting 'Xft.antialias: 1' in .Xresources and 
running 'xrdb -merge .Xresources' has the same effect as 
running 'gnome-settings-daemon': it fixes the problem. But the strange thing 
is that this .Xresrouces setting is not persistent across logging out and 
then in, as all the other .Xresources settings I use are. So something must 
be altering the Xft.antialias setting from 1 to 0 when I log into KDE.

Best regards
Torquil Sørensen

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