On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 11:17:35PM -0400, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> Dear People,
> I'm currently visiting Salt Lake from out East (Chapel Hill, NC), through 
> the middle of this coming week.
> I've been trying to find locally a wireless network card that works with 
> Linux to install on my host's laptop. The cards available at the local 
> retail outlets seem to only work with proprietary drivers, and I don't want 
> to use proprietary drivers for such a basic thing.
> Ideally, I'd prefer to use a card which is supported by a driver already in 
> the kernel, but I'd consider third party drivers too, as long as they were 
> open source. The important thing is that I should be able to pick it up 
> locally. I don't have the time to wait for something to be delivered.
> So, any ideas where I can pick up one from? I only have a few days to 
> figure something out.
> Please CC me. I'm not currently subscribed.
> Thanks.                                                               
> Faheem.
Hi Faheem,
there used to be an orinoco/lucent/wavelan silver or gold that worked out of 
the box.
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