On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 06:08:38AM +0100, Wulfy wrote:
> Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> >It's with shame that I even admit this affects me, but if yall didn't
> >know, the social site myspace.com has just moved all its multimedia
> >content to Flash 9.0 due to security problems they had with the
> >previous version, and Adobe has yet to come up with Flash Player 9.0
> >for Linux.  They have a blog from their "head developer":
> >http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/
> >but I can't help thinking it reads like it was written to try to sound
> >chummy with penguinheads while dragging their feet about just
> >programming the damn thing.
> >The Flash Player project manager says that it's expected in early
> >2007.  Seems deliberate to me, but then I'm paranoid.  No doubt it
> >would be done in short order if it were released as FOSS.
> >
> >
> Right now, I wouldn't mind having a v8...
I wanted to go to site with v8 and had to instll wine/firefox and then
v8 as a plugin. It was so so on speed and response. But I agree it sucks not 
because Im not a
myspace users but because it is yet another example of companies
dragging their heels on getting linux apps produced.
If theyd open the source, they'd get the expertise of the FLOSS
community work and I'm sure the app would have LESS security hole!

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