On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 05:10:38PM +0000, Pollywog wrote:
> I looked in the APT tutorial and also in a book but I could not find an 
> answer 
> to this problem.
> I want to get a source package from the "testing" release, not from "stable", 
> so I did this:
> apt-get -t testing source <packagename>
> It does not seem to work.  Is there a way to do this without temporarily 
> modifying the sources.list in order to get the desired sources?

without putting the testing repositories in your sources.list and
apt-get updating, you cannot get the package through apt. You could,
however, use wget or something similar to get the package, if its a
one time deal. wget <repositoryaddress>/path/to/package/<Package
file.deb> and then dpkg -i it. 

That said, there is no harm in adding repositories to your
sources.list. It will slow down your apt-get update. Otherwise, provided your
apt is set up correctly, it should cause no problems. You'll probably
want to set 

APT::Default Release "<your preferred release here>" 

in your apt_preferences.


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