On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 10:40:08PM +0800, JerryKwok wrote:
> 2006/7/31, Heimdall Midgard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >I've been banging my head for the past six hours trying to figure out
> >how to write a message in Mutt. (So I've given up and used GMail
> >instead.)
> This has been a question to me for a long time.Why do we use mutt when
> many other better manager(evolution) especially when mutt's so complex
> and difficult to remeber the binds.

just adding my .02 to the others....

I use mutt because its fast. I can ssh to my mail from anywhere and
its just like being there. I don't get distracted by deciding where
to put each new little window that pops up. It does one thing and does
it REALLY well. Its infinitely flexible. Its really not hard to learn
the basics in just a few minutes. It handles the large volume of mail
from a list like this with ease. want more?


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