i have a recently installed debian box that i'll be using for collecting various logs. after setting up some cron jobs to automate this, they are not running when i expected. if i have cron entries that look like:

@midnight /opt/admin/bin/swatch_newday.pl >> /dev/null


0 0 * * * /opt/admin/bin/swatch_newday.pl >> /dev/null

the jobs run at 19:00 rather than at midnight.

the date on the system appears to be set correctly and with the right time zone (minneapolis, mn, USA):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/jarocki: date
Wed Aug  2 11:58:58 CDT 2006

and it looks like the time zone is set correctly too:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc: cat /etc/timezone

so it appears that cron is interpreting my crontab with GMT time perhaps. now i could just schedule my midnite job via "0 5 * * * /my/script" but i'd prefer just to have cron act how i would expect.

anything obvious that i'm doing wrong or that i should check? or perhaps the GMT thing is by design and i should just deal with it. thanx in advance for any help/ideas.

I was in Vegas last week. I was at the roulette table, having a lengthy
argument about what I considered an Odd number.
                -- Steven Wright
Jim Jarocki
Systems Administrator

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