On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 07:39:55AM +0300, Jabka Atu wrote:
> there is an old package known as IWIZ that is maintind by z9u2k.
> i see that it is not in debian tree how can i add it ?
> i have both the source and the copmiled package.
> im not the maintiner/creator of this package but it is very helpfull 
> package for linux newbe users from isreal (pptp/adsl dialer genrator)
Hi Jabka,
if you think some software might be usefull you can do a few things:
ask someone who is a debian developers to look into it my makeing an RFP
(reqest for package) in the Debian BTS (bug tracking system) with the
WNPP package (a psuedo-package that is used for various things like:
orphaning , adopting, requesting a package...). You can also ask someone
one the debian-hebrew mailing list (check lists.debian.org) if they
think it maybe something that this sub-project may want to do.
You should have the website for the package and why you think it will be
useful. Now if you want to or know someone who would want to package it,
then you need to check the debian developers site on debian.org for more info 
checkout the debian-mentors mailing list for packaging help.
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