On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 02:01:04AM -0700, Serena Cantor wrote:
> Thanks! Then, how to pass options to initrd in grub's
> menu.lst? I mean scsi disks parameters. My scsi disk
> is not automatically recognized by sarge installation
> program.
Hi Serena,
the initrd is a sort of mini linux system that boots to get the hardware
recognized then hands things off to your systems own kernel. This means
that if the initrd does not find the scsi drive, then it never gets to
the point where your own kernel can be loaded and then load the scsi
kernel modules. Thus if I understand things in debian, you need to add
the appropriate hardware kernel modules to '/etc/modules' and then run
the mkinitrd program which then creates the needed initrd. then when you
reboot, it will run the initrd, find your scsi drives, then load your
systems kernel and its modules. At least thats my vague understanding of
this voodoo.
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