Ron Johnson wrote:

Here's a snapshot from top. This is with mysql and apache2 running, but
not using the php4 app:

   top - 11:54:58 up 366 days,  5:32,  1 user,  load average: 0.64,
0.67, 0.39
   Tasks: 101 total,   1 running,  96 sleeping,   0 stopped,   4 zombie
   Cpu(s):   0.7% user,   1.3% system,   0.0% nice,  98.0% idle
   Mem:    240108k total,   235692k used,     4416k free,     3672k buffers
   Swap:   104416k total,   102804k used,     1612k free,    67228k cached

Here's a snapshot from top while the php4 app is processing the upload.

   top - 12:01:20 up 366 days,  5:38,  1 user,  load average: 1.03,
0.94, 0.59
   Tasks:  94 total,   3 running,  87 sleeping,   0 stopped,   4 zombie
   Cpu(s):  97.7% user,   2.3% system,   0.0% nice,   0.0% idle
   Mem:    240108k total,   236860k used,     3248k free,     3276k buffers
   Swap:   104416k total,   104416k used,        0k free,    31444k cached
    5020 www-data  20   0 21088  17m 4724 R 97.4  7.5   0:09.89 apache2

Has anyone run into this problem?  My head is sore from beating it
against my desk.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

The problem of using all memory resources?  Sure.

Adding more RAM is probably out of the question, as is adding a swap
*partition*.  So, create a swap *file*.  "man mkswap" will tell you how.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  US
Thanks, yes I should have prefaced that adding ram or larger swap partition is a route I was trying to avoid (it is a co-located server). Thanks for the tip on the mkswap, I will look into that.

I was hoping there was a magic setting for mysql, that would let it run using less memory--especially since the databases I'm running are small. It seems to spawn 4 or 5 child processes automatically. I could live with only 1 or 2. I managed to reduce Apache's memory footprint a little without an apparent loss of response. Ahh well, I guess 256MB is a little on the small size these days, even for a non-gui server. Speaking of which, 240108k is a little odd- I wonder if I'm about to have some physical ram problems.

Thanks again.

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