On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 12:07:58AM +0300, gustavo halperin wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 02:44:10PM +0300, gustavo halperin wrote:
> >  
> >>Bruno Buys wrote:
> >>    
> >>>gustavo halperin wrote:
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>>Hello
> >>>>
> >>>>I have all the time a temperature around the 50 C or more. I'm sure 
> >>>>there are any problem because before many months ago , the 
> >>>>temperature was around the 40C or less. My question is, if there are 
> >>>>any way to know if the problem is in the kernel (version, 
> >>>>or for some application/daemon, or the worse, for some Hardware 
> >>>>Problem ?
> >>>>        
> >
> >  
> >>The fans state is /off/, but if the temperature is to high, something 
> >>about the 56 C, this state change to /on/. My hardware is Intel, the 
> >>computer is a Toshiba Portege R100.
> >>I know that the /top/ seems normal,
> >>/    gusti:  more /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/state
> >>   status:                  off/
> >>but before many months ago I used my computer on my thigh, today this is 
> >>impossible, the computer is to HUT.
> >> So ...
> >>    
> >
> >have you checked in the bios to see if it controls the fan based on
> >temperature? perhaps that temperature setting has been changed
> >somehow?
> >
> >A
> >  
> Not really, I didn't check the bios, but in the other way, If I forced 
> the Fan to run (echo "force_on:1" > /proc/acpi/toshiba/fan), the CPU 
> temperature doesn't down from a 44 C and the Mother Board temperature 
> doesn't down from the 46 C, even if I do nothing in the computer.
> In the other way I set the file "trip_points" in the next form:
>        echo -n "62:0:32:37:39" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points
> but the FAN,  still start working only after the temperature is around 
> the 59 C. I don't know from where this configuration is coming.
> There are other place when the temperature settings are configured ??
>   Thank you,
>       Gustavo
Hi Gustavo,
there is a list that I sometimes read, its called the toshiba linux
mailing list. they may have a clue as to how to handle the issue.
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