Hi all,

we uploaded preview packages for the next security update of mozilla
applications in debian sarge.

This is the second maintenance release after mozilla developers
officially dropped support for the product versions we ship in sarge.
The packages are based on the patches I backported and announced few
days ago [1].

If you are a more or less advanced debian-sarge user who wants to
contribute and you are using one of the mozilla apps regularly, then
please help by testing this preview release and provide both,
negative and positive feedback to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To test this release, please upgrade your favorite mozilla app from
the sources given below.

The repository that contains the new packages can be found at 

The applications and versions for this preview release are:

  + mozilla-firefox               1.0.4-2sarge10
  + mozilla-thunderbird           1.0.2-2.sarge1.0.8b.1
  + mozilla                       1.7.8-1sarge7.2

You can either download the .debs manually or add the following to
your apt sources.list:

  deb http://people.debian.org/~asac/security ./

If you run into troubles with the new packages, chances are high this
is due to some extension that makes use of some corner-case feature.
In order to help to track these issues down you should disable your
extensions one by one until you get rid of the problem. If you find the
extension that causes all the troubles, please don't forget to mention
its name and version.

Thanks for your support!

[1] -

 - Alexander

 GPG messages preferred.    |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
 Alexander Sack             | : :' :      The  universal
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]            | `. `'      Operating System
 http://www.asoftsite.org/  |   `-    http://www.debian.org/

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