On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 02:33:35PM -0400, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've recently encountered an odd problem with a switch and a Dell PC
> running Debian. I'm using it on a cable modem. When I plug the machine
> directly into the cable modem, I can get on the net (the cable modem
> uses DHCP as per usual).
> However, when I plug the machine into the switch, the machine can't
> get on the net, in fact it can't get a lease from the DHCP server at
> all.
> However, a Mac OS X laptop does not have any problems. Therefore, the
> problem presumably has something to do with the combination of the
> switch and the machine.
> The machine in question has a Broadcom card, and is using Debian's 
> somewhat hacked around with tg3 driver, so I'm wondering if that could 
> perhaps be causing the problem, and if so, whether switching to the 
> bcm5700 would solve it.
> Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about how I might resolve
> this issue? Thanks in advance.
> Please cc me; I'm not subscribed.
Hi Faheem,
MODEM--cable a--port b--SWITCH--port c--cable d --DELL (problem)
                             +--port e--cable f --MAC (ok)

MODEM--cable a--port g----------------------------DELL (ok)
so from this, I'd say that:
these are ok     : cable a,port b,port e,cable f,port g
these are suspect: port c,cable d
so change these with ones from the good list and see if this fixes it.
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