On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 11:31:28PM -0300, Alejandro wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have Debian Etch and I have this in my /etc/apt/sources.list file:
> deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ etch main contrib
> deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib
> But I need the deb-src sources (security and normal packages), I tried 
> with  a pair of sources but they don't work....please can you send me 
> some valid deb-src sources ??
Hi Alejandro,

the line in /etc/apt/sources.list can be either a used to download
binary packages or source packages. A line staring with 'deb' with
download only binary packages, while a line that starts with 'deb-src'
will download a source packagages. So, most often, you can 'duplicate'
the line and change the 'deb' or 'deb-src' to do this. Then apt-get
source ...

> And other question: what the difference if I use the word "etch" or 
> "testing" in the sources ??? Any idea ??
Woody is the previous and sarge is the current stable release. If you
track these, you will get a fixed set of packages that are well tested
and easy to install. if you track stable, testing or unstable, you will
get a set of packages that will change at differnt rates. Stable changes
with each release --about 18months, testing changes about every 2 weeks and 
about every few hours. if you track 'etch' it is not a released version
and is a testing version that in the future when Debian released become
'Etch'. Now it is more closly related to 'testing', thus it is subject
to change and packges can be added and removed from it.  But as soon as
Debian releases, 'Etch' will be come a stable release and will not
change. So for now you can track etch and testing and they will be the
same, but as soon as etch is released, etch will not be testing.
(please note that this is somewhat simplified as there are a few more
details that others may want to expound upon)
hope that helps.
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