Hello Wei Hu.

> Actually I have no filename problems when I mount NTFS/VFAT
> partitions. But I can NOT properly display some .torrent files which I
> downloaded from the Internet. It may use non-utf8 codes such as
> gb18030 or gb2812 code.

I can not imagine how such a thing happened, but I can not rule it out too.

> Can't Unicode handles non-Unicode filenames?

There are no „non–Unicode filenames“, because Unicode is everything. Almost 
every known
character in the world exists in the Unicode table. The UTF–8 encoding is only 
one way of
using it. (Others would be UTF–16, UTF–32 and even the limited ISO-* charsets.)

So, if your filesystem is really encoded with UTF–8 then there should be no 
problem to
display the strangest characters.

>> Hello Wei Hu.

Please quote only the part you are actually refering to, thanks.

Regards, Mathias

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