"David E. Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
| Hmm. nosuid on mounts may just not honor the set user id for
| executables. On the other hand, the manual page tells me that nosuid
| makes it ignore suid bits. (see man mount). So, semantically, those
| permissions are just rwxr-x-r-x, and even if yuur user is in the 'root'
| group, he cannot view the directory contents (because 'x' in a
| directory means permission to enter & view the contents).

I see, some years ago I configured /var in fstab like:

/dev/hda10  /var  ext2  owner,exec,errors=remount-ro

and though i knew i din't think too much about that 'owner' 
implies nosuid.

| First, try mounting /var without the nosuid part.

(How do i trigger a normal cron man-db run ?) 
... I'll see tomorrow.

| The way this ought to work (and I thought it did) was for example, 
| a hypothetical user looks at a frequently used man page 

I seem to remember in the past one got asked at installation time if 
manpages should be cached that way, or not, and i used to asnwer yes.
But AFAIKR there wasn't such a question at the last etch install i did
(few days agao). Maybe they ditched it altogether.

Thanks for your suggestion, i'll report if it worked.



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