Paul Johnson wrote:
> Depends on where you gas up, too.  If you shop by price alone and only take 
> thoroughfares, yeah, you're gonna hit long lines, right tank or not.  But if 
> you go to well-staffed high-volume stations like truck stops or stations off 
> the beaten path like taxi stands,

    So what you're saying is that if you want to avoid lines in Oregon you
need to stay out of major cities, stay off the major thoroughfares and go out
of your way to get gas?

    Wow.  And we have lines?  Let's see.  The 2 years I spent living in the
Pasadena, Ca area I don't recall ever having to wait in line for gas no matter
what time of day or night I went.  This was 1-2 lights off of I-210 and on a
major thoroughfare that mirrored it (recently renamed to "Historic Route-66 as
a part of it is, indeed, route 66).

    The year I lived with my fiancee in her place in Long Beach, Ca yielded
exactly 0 lines in my experience.  Was on I a major thoroughfare?  Oh, you
bet!  We lived 2 blocks from the PCH Circle.  Go down a mile or two and over
about 5 blocks and you hit the end of the I-605, a freeway I commuted on every
day to work as I still worked in Pasadena, Ca.

    More recently I live right off the (just completed) I-215/I-515
interchange in Henderson, Nv (a 'burb of Las Vegas, Nv) and work right on I-15
down in one of the pre-Vegas Casino stops.  Wanna know how many lines I see at
my home station right off the freeway and 2 blocks south of a major
thoroughfare?  0.  Wanna know how many I've seen at a station I visit when the
price is cheaper on a major thoroughfare between home and work?  0.  Wanna
know how many I've seen at the 3 gas stations on the exit of the properties I
work at?  0.

    So there's the past 7 years and so far I haven't gotten off the beaten
path, haven't avoided major thoroughfares, have lived in major metropolitan
areas, have gone at all times of the day and have yet to see a single line at
the pump...

> Go to Vancouver (WA or BC, either of them, doesn't matter).  Or Seattle.  
> There's usually a standing puddle of gasoline in front of at least one pump 
> and the place reeks of gasoline by comparison to even a truck stop gas 
> station in Oregon.

    ...nor have I ever seen a "standing puddle of gasoline" in all that time.
 And as I said before when this came up, a gas station is going to reek of
gasoline because of the vapors from the tanks as they are opened.  That
happens everywhere.  Sorry Paul, not buying your anti-individualism crusade.
What you're claiming about the world-outside-of-Oregon and the reality I live
day in and day out don't match in the slightest.  Because according to your
worldview I should be mired in lines and fearing for my life because of the
copious amounts of gasoline soaked into my shoes.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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