I am not sure about wireless driver Intel Pro/3945ABG seems to be supported
by driver from http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/, but I am not sure if it is
in Debian yet. Otherwise, you can be certainly poorly served by ndiswrapper
(with Windows drivers).
i can confirm that the ipw3945 driver works fine, it wasn't necessary to use ndiswrapper.

in case anyone would need it, there are my installation remarks for the Intel ProWireless 3945 wireless card in debian linux.

Wireless Configuration

I followed the instructions from
I'm going to copy them here in case the original page is not available.

Installation of the wireless LAN driver (ipw3945) requires
        latest ieee80211 subsystem
        driver itself
        proprietary firmware
        proprietary binary daemon.

Installing the firmware and the binary daemon is a simple matter of
# cd /usr/src
# tar zxf /home/data/Software/Linux/firmware/ipw3945-ucode-1.13.tgz
# cp ipw3945-ucode-1.13/ipw3945.ucode /lib/firmware/
# tar zxf /home/data/Software/Linux/firmware/ipw3945d-1.7.22.tgz
# cp ipw3945d-1.7.22/x86/ipw3945d /sbin/
# cat << EOF > /etc/modprobe.d/ipw3945
> install ipw3945 /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ipw3945; /sbin/ipw3945d --timeout=-1 --quiet > remove ipw3945 /sbin/ipw3945d --kill; /sbin/modprobe -r --ignore-remove ipw3945
# echo ipw3945 >> /etc/modules

If you plan to build a 2.6.17 kernel, patches for the ieee80211
subsystem and for the card itself should be already available.

my remark:
However, I didn't use them because they were not available at the
moment of installation.

You can also compile the wireless stack and the LAN driver against a running kernel:
# cd /usr/src
# tar zxf /home/data/Software/Linux/src/ieee80211-1.1.13.tgz
# cd ieee80211-1.1.13/
# make
# make install
# cd ..
# tar zxf /home/data/Software/Linux/src/ipw3945-1.0.5.tgz
# cd ipw3945-1.0.5/
# make
# cp ipw3945.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
# depmod -ae
# modprobe ipw3945
# dmesg
# ps -C ipw3945d

It seems that the ipw3945 module can't be loaded correctly at boot
time. As a workaround, I wrote this simple script that unloads and
reloads the module. You can install it and run it automatically:
# install -m 755 /path/to/ipw3945 /etc/init.d/
# update-rc.d ipw3945 start 40 S . stop 40 0 1 6 .
my comment:
I think there was some typo in the previous command (missing K link?)
Unfortunately I no longer remember what it was. You will have to find it



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