Andrei Popescu wrote:
I see a significant percent of the traffic on this list being due to
off-topic threads. And some contributors are complaining about the
unnecessary traffic.

Why not simply create a debian-offtopic list?

I suggest the following scheme:

- create off-topic list.

- move all threads that are way off topic (Oregon, brocoli etc.) to that list; ie filter all replies to debian-offtopic

- automatically redirect all mails from people who have participated in five consecutive mails that are way off topic to debian-offtopic. (Alternatively set up a scheme to quarantine those for a certain amount of time)

It has been suggested before, that anyone not interested in way offtopic discussions could a) ignore the thread or b) filter it out.

I seriously think it would be the better approach, if one person would do that for the list, instead of everyone himself/herself for the sanity of the mailbox/to reduce network traffic (yes, I occasionally read the list via my dial-up modem).

Posting stuff that is way off topic is like spam, but it's worse, since it is more difficult to filter it automatically.

[NB: this relates to stuff that even in the broadest sense is not related to debian or computing - like gas prices in Oregon etc.]

Just my opinion,


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