On Friday 25 August 2006 19:07, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Hex Star wrote:
> > ewww...who eats a liver? it looks sooo nasty...how can you even
> Guess you've never been hunting or fishing.  Too bad.  Dressing a
> freshly killed deer is a learning experience.

That's more or less why I have only ever gone hunting once.  Too much heavy 
lifting and too messy.  Going hunting actually lowered my gore tolerance to 
the point I usually have someone else gut my fish in exchange for keeping one 
or two for themselves when I go fishing...

> > look at it much less eat it?
> The look isn't bad.  It's the cooked texture and taste which are
> *nasty*.

No argument, there.  But then again, there isn't a meat I've come across 
that's looked better cooked than raw, unless you don't count chicken as a 
walking vegetable.  :o)  Now if the USDA would get over their hangups with 
irradiated beef, I could safely eat that raw again without having to pull out 
a passport and shell out money to the private airlines I'm already paying to 
keep in business with my tax dollars (the least they could do is give 
everybody a complimentary plane ticket as a thank-you for not letting 
capitalism kill off some of these extra airlines there hasn't been a market 
for in the last 30 years).

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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