I have installed a minimal Etch system into a chroot. I used the method in Appendix C of the Debian Users' Guide. I would like to get as much working there as possible, without rebooting into it. My purpose is to get a clean system without leftover bits of everything from Bo to Sarge. My wife also uses this system and usually has about a dozen tabs open in Firefox, so I try not to reboot any more than nescessary. (I currently have an uptime of over 53 days.) I currently have an xterm (OK, mrxvt tab) open to the chroot and another to my current system so I can check things in both, or copy files to, or from, the Etch chroot.

So, the questions that I can think of at the moment are:

1) I have noticed that some commands, like 'uptime', do nothing in the chroot. No errors, just no output. I am assuming that this is a normal thing and there are certain type of commands that just don't work in a chroot environment. Is this correct? If so, where can I find out which commands are likely to act this way. I have not found a HOWTO on quite this subject.

2) Possibly an extention of #1 -- My wife and I have seperate X sessions going simultaineously (currently using XFree86). Mine is always on vt07 and hers is on vt08. Can I close down only my own session, leaving the other session intact, then from the console chroot to my Etch system and start Xorg up from there so that it will still be on vt07?

3) Since I have not yet installed a kernel and rebooted, I am running off my old kernel (2.6.8) from Sarge, along with its modules and drivers. How much is it reasonable to do in this chroot? Should I just install a kernel and add it to my lilo.conf (keeping the old one, of course) and reboot into the new system to get everything installed and tested, or can I actually do this from the chroot (as I would prefer).

Marc Shapiro

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.
What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!

- Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

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