On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 04:54:06PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>     Filtering belongs in the client if one is receiving mail via POP, which is
> a part of the client.

I'm still trying to figure this one out.  You think filtering belongs on
the client, yet you read mail from multiple locations and use IMAP.  How do
you reconcile the two?  Use offlineimap everywhere?

Or do you not mean by filtering what most people mean by filtering?

If the quantity of mail I receive every day was being dumped into INBOX,
I'd go insane.  Obviously you don't do that, so what's sorting the mail?

I do it by hosting the mail on a headless box in the house, that provides
IMAP, and runs dspam, fetchmail, and procmail, then connecting to it with
various MUA's depending on what box/laptop I'm on and whether I'm home or
away.  Per-client configuration would be a stone b*tch if it were any more
than "mail over there, go read mail".

 Marc Wilson |     You will be held hostage by a radical group.

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