On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 02:36:55PM +0200 or thereabouts, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Hello Stephen.
> >> But the mentioned patch is included in TB thanks to
> >> the TB package maintainers.
> > 
> > 
> > It is ? I have that version and I don't see any button to 'reply to
> > list'. What am I missing ?
> The extension[0].
> Regards, Mathias
> [0] http://open.nit.ca/wiki/index.php?page=ReplyToListThunderbirdExtension


Thanks. I was under the impression that the 'patch' being contained,
meant the functionality was already present without needing an
extension. :(

I have followed the request for this feature on Bugzilla. I agree with
most, that this shouldn't be an extension, but should be a basic function
of Thunderbird. I wonder why the developers are so reluctant to include
this without needing an extension. Is it because the majority of TBird
users don't require this, you think ?

Nevertheless, I'm going to try it out. Thanks for the URL.

        The Priest's grey nimbus in a niche where he dressed discreetly.
I will not sleep here tonight. Home also I cannot go.
        A voice, sweetened and sustained, called to him from the sea.
Turning the curve he waved his hand.  A sleek brown head, a seal's, far
out on the water, round.  Usurper.
                -- James Joyce, "Ulysses"

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