On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 11:32:44PM +0200, Jordi Carrillo wrote:
> You say you reinstalled from zero twice. What's the best way to get into
> unstable? Installing the stable version and then doing a dist-upgrade or
> installing unstable right-away, I mean when debian installation asks you which
> sources to choose you manually edit sources.list and put the unstable sentence
> ;-)
> Another question. When testing becomes stable, I suppose that after this
> transition if you have sth like
> deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
> your debian will go on with the next testing debian Os, right? just doing a
> apt-get upgrade will do the trick, won't it?
Hi Jordi,
as you said, if you keep 'testing' in you sources.list, you will
continue to track testing. the only un-changing and un-upgrading version is
'stable' modulo the few security updates. Thus if you change your
'testing' to 'etch' (in the current time frame), you will be running the
pre-stable version of etch, now and will eventually run stable when it is
release and will thus have a fixed point in time when you will not get
anymore updates. Also, dist-upgrade is not usually needed if you are
'upgrading' within a version whereas 'dist-upgrade' is usally needed if
you are moving to a differnt version (cf.
stable->testing,stable->unstable, testing->unstable).

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