Hello Debian


I’m trying too much time to install Debian on my PC with no success.


My system configuration is:


  • Intel Pentium D ( 930 model -  3.0 [GHz] , 64 bit )
  • Intel motherboard ( 945 model )
  • 1 Giga ram
  • WINDOWS XP 64 bit


I download the next images via bittorent (I understand that I need “amd64” image for Pentium D (EM64T) processor):


After I burned them, I start install them using the first DVD but I finally respond by the
Installing process that I have some problems with some files, and then I followed the suggestion
For the Integrity test and informed that some MD5 errors found on the first DVD.
Then I made integrity test for the second DVD and found the same problem as the first one.
What to do, I’m really want to know how to resolve that problem (is their any way to fix thus images
Or I need to download them again L ? )
Thanks for your time
Nir Shemesh



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