
I am trying to get to work i2c and lm-sensors on my Debian testing/unstable.

I downloaded and installed i2c-source and lm-sensors-source; then extracted
them, and proceeded to build the modules like I did with ALSA and nvidia,
with a line like this:

sudo make-kpkg --append-to-version=-k7-fb --added-modules=i2c,lm-sensors 
modules_image --config=menuconfig

(blessed be Kevin McKinley ;)

(append-to-version matches my running kernel, a 2.4.20 kernel with frame

In the config, I chose to compile i2c as a module. I later found that the
kernel has built-in support for i2c, but I remember to have read in i2c
docs that, as long as everything is built as a module, this shouldn't be a

The compilation succeeds, and I find the two packages correctly built in

I then install the packages, and run sensors-detect which should configure
everything for me; however, this fails because

modprobe: Can't locate module i2c-viapro
modprobe: Can't locate module i2c-riva
modprobe: Can't locate module i2c-dev

The modules are installed by the packages in 


and in 


(dpkg -L tells me this).

However, modconf has no idea of the existence of this modules (or better, I
can't seem to find them anywhere), and modprobe follows a similar route.

Am I missing something? :)

Danilo Raineri, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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