On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 06:54:57PM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> Earlier I tried upgrading from kernel 2.6.12-speakup-686 to kernel 
> 2.6.17-speakup-686 and was told I'd need to purge hot plug.  The kernel 
> upgrade failed one of the things that ended up happening was all of the 
> kernel's downloaded modules were deleted as the install errored out.  I 
> don't yet know if failure to purge hot plug was the cause of that failure. 
> Another failure was with udev failing to properly install and turn on.
Hi Jude,
Recent versions of udev now include the functionality of hotplug, so the
hotplug package needed to be purged. As for the upgrade failure, there
maybe a bug report on the kernel or udev. I do not know about
'downloaded modules', so no clue there.
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