On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 11:52:51AM -0400, Ian D. Leroux wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:03:23 -0500, "Mumia W."
> > On 09/15/2006 07:50 AM, Ian D. Leroux wrote:
> > > I'm having a strange (to me) problem where xterms launched by the
> > > window manager are clearly ignoring my Xresources settings.  To be
> > > precise:
> > >
> > > 1) Xterms launched via menu entry or via hard-coded commands in the
> > >    window manager have default settings (small fixed font, white-on
> > >    black) irrespective of the contents of ~/.Xresources. Xterms
> > >    launched by hand (either from other xterms or from a window-manager-
> > >    supplied command line like ratpoison's C-t !) obey all
> > >    .Xresources settings, as expected.  If I launch a second window
> > >    manager from the first, the second window manager behaves
> > >    correctly, i.e. the problem only appears for the first window
> > >    manager to be launched. [...]
> >
> > What are those hard-coded commands you're talking about? That's
> > important because terminal emulators recognize their resources based
> > upon their names. So if you define resources for "XTerm" (note the
> > capitals), but you start the program as "xterm," it won't work.
> The suspect behaviour is exhibited even if the command name is the same:
> the fluxbox menu (auto-generated by Debian's menu package, which should
> be the same as the one for aewm, ratpoison, etc) has an entry that runs
> the command "xterm", which does not pick up the resources.  Running the
> textually identical command "xterm" from a shell starts up a terminal
> with the resources correctly loaded.
> Incidentally, my understanding of the X resources is that class names
> are always capitalized (first letter for most programs, first two
> letters if the name starts with X), and that is certainly the behaviour
> I have seen on other systems.  As I note above, it works fine for
> programs launched by other means.
Hi Ian,
are you saying that 'clicking' the 'xterm' menu option doesn't work
correctly, while issuing 'xterm' on an alredy existing term does work?
If so, I'd look for the specific command that the 'menu' option invokes.
Beyond that, I'd suspect that the command is not being issued in a way
to use your environment settings.

ps. as someone who know little about the *bsds, I'd be curious to know
what difference you notice and what prompted you to use Debian. :-)
Also, have you checked out Debian's bsd ports?
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