On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 12:49:20AM -0400, David Zelinsky wrote:
> I bought a single-board computer from Soekris Engineering that uses a
> compact flash card instead of a hard drive.  I would like to install
> Debian on the CF card while it's in the USB card reader attached to my
> laptop, so that I when I put the card in the single-board computer, it
> will be all ready to boot and run.
> How do I do that?  The only instructions I've found are for putting
> the Debian installer and iso image on the card.  But then when I boot
> from it, I have to go through the whole installation process.  I don't
> want to do that, since the Soekris has no monitor or keyboard.
> Is there a way to install without using the Debian installer?  Or is
> there some way to run the installer on my laptop and have it install
> everything on the compact flash card (and not mess with my laptop's OS
> of course)?
Hi David,
at a local user group they created pebble linux but now folks use
pyramid linux, both based on debian and use soekris. check out those via
google and maybe nycwireless's web site.
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