On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 01:17:47AM +0600, S. M. Ibrahim (Lavlu) wrote:
> today at the time of searching http://debian.org get a link
> http://forums.debian.net
> but, there number of registed user is too few "We have *7054* registered
> users"
> why debian not making a official forum for debian-user??

Because a forum cannot be accessed via ssh over a crappy dial up
connection?  Believe it or not, many people here are on poor quality,
or intermittent or metered connections.  They would rather read and
reply to mail than downloading images and other nonsense.  Besides, some
folks access their personal mail from work via ssh and mutt (or pine or
some other TUI MUA).  If one works in a place where things like forums
are filtered out, then they would not be able to participate as much.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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