On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 08:27:54AM -0500, Mumia W.. wrote:
> On 09/23/2006 06:45 AM, Miles Bader wrote:
> >"Mumia W.." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>You can remap keys using xmodmap if you have to, but it might be your
> >>keyboard layout that needs fixing. When I type "grep XkbLayout
> >>/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" it says "us." Since you are using Xorg, your
> >>configuration file is probably differently named.
> >
> >Why do you think this is related to X keyboard mapping?
> >This "binding" only happens in Gnome apps, and ^O works fine in, for
> >instance, Emacs (running in its own window).
> >
> >Looking at the output of xmodmap -pk shows nothing odd, and xev shows
> >the following if I hit ^O (this is preceeded by the control-key event of
> >course):
> >
> >-- KeyPress event, serial 29, synthetic NO, window 0x2200001,
> >    root 0x44, subw 0x2200002, time 3665002075, (36,52), root:(51,124),
> >    state 0x4, keycode 32 (keysym 0x6f, o), same_screen YES,
> >    XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0f) ""
> >    XmbLookupString gives 1 bytes: (0f) ""
> >    XFilterEvent returns: False
> >
> >which is its expected value (0xF).
> >
> >{I've scoured various gnome settings files etc., though, and cannot find
> >any reference to it... it's driving me nuts!]
> >
> >-Miles
> >
> Hmm, you're probably right. It's a setting within Gnome, but I can't 
> find it either. Try going into the gconf-editor and browsing the paths. 
> It might be in there somewhere.
> The gconf-editor also has a search feature (Edit/Find). I searched for 
> "input-method" and "input method" but didn't find anything; however, 
> your system may be different, and you can think of other search terms 
> I'm sure.
> You can also try yahoo:
> http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=gnome+input+method+change
> Good luck.
> -- 
Hi Miles,
I was just thinking about the interaction between various parts of a
gnome enviroment:
console keyboard
x window keyboard
      input methods
      gnome libraries
      gnome app

you asert that its not xmodmap. doesnt happen on console. doesnt happen
on other apps that operate in the gnome enviroment. so what parts of the
sequence from keyboard to gnome app are missing? Is this a new starndard
for gnome?

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