On Sat, Sep 23, 2006 at 11:50:53PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Rob Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: df and du disagree, or "How to get 1.1GB of data onto a 650MB CD"
> Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 16:41:09 -0600
> >> I also have an empty directory:
> >> poota:~# ls -l temp/
> >> total 0

> >> Then I mount the iso, loopback style:
> >> mount image.iso temp/ -o loop

> >What is the file system? Is it a compressed file system? Also, ls -l
> >won't show you all files in temp; try ls -al, though that isn't the
> >problem here.

> Hi Rob. The filesystem that provides the mount point is ext3. As
> for the iso file, "file" says that it's just "ISO 9660 CD-ROM
> filesystem data. Once the iso is mounted (using loopack),
> /proc/mounts says "/dev/loop0 /root/temp iso9660 ro 0 0" so I
> assume the iso file really is just straight iso9660.

Sounds like there may be some hard linked files.  You won't be able to
see that directly, but if you find some identical files, I'd suspect
they share data space on the disc.

mkisofs apparently will create such discs if it detects hard links on
the source file system.

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