On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 10:00:58PM +0200, Vladimer Sichinava wrote:
> Hello All,
> My friend Gia Shervashidze provided Georgian range of glyps...
> It would be great to include them , first for testing...(so we can correct if
> there is
> som problems) and after definitely.
> Here is Georgian glyps range:
> Thank You,
> Vladimer Sichinava
> GNOME GTP (Georgian Coordinator)
Hi Vladimr,
this list is for Debian Gnu/Linux users to discuss their issues. I'm not
sure what we could do to help your effort. May try to contact the
debian-project or debian-devel list for more assistnce. Or goto
http://lists.debian.org for more lists that maybe of more help.
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