On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 09:00:46PM -0700, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 11:07:47PM -0700, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> > On 09/26/2006 11:59:03 AM, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> > > Hi Kevin,
> > >
> > >I'll try this once I have a chance when I get home.
> > ...
> > 
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Kevin Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ...
> > >
> > >On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 07:03:21PM -0700, Kenward Vaughan wrote:
> > >>Hi folks,
> > >>
> > >> I hate writing this from my school's web access page, but I
> > >>suddenly  lost the ability to send emails from home.  Receiving is
> > >>fine.  Nothing  had changed at my end from the night before, when I
> > >>had no problems.  My  ISP is Earthlink.
> > ...
> > 
> > >Hi Kenward,
> > >apt-get install swaks
> > >and show what settings made if work.
> > >cheers,
> > >Kev
> ...
> > ===========================================================
> > daddy:~# swaks -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s
> > smtpauth.earthlink.net -tlso -a -au [EMAIL PROTECTED] -ap
> > abcdefghijklmnop
> > === Trying smtpauth.earthlink.net:25...
> > === Connected to smtpauth.earthlink.net.
> ...
> >  ~> This is a test mailing^M
> >  ~>
> >  ~> .
> > <~  250 OK id=1GSS6j-00066m-FB
> >  ~> QUIT
> > <~  221 elasmtp-junco.atl.sa.earthlink.net closing connection
> > === Connection closed with remote host.
> ...
> > My question changes to the obvious.  Now that it worked so easily with
> > that small change in Balsa/Kmail, what is wrong with my Exim setup?
> > 
> > Is it some rewriting rule or choice I made in running its configuration  
> > which screwed things up?
> > 
> > 
> > The /etc/exim4/passwd.client file:
> ...
> > smtpauth.earthlink.net:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:abcdefghijklmnop
> 'Twas the latter, as it turned out.  Simple misconfiguration having a
> different server (smtp.earthlink.net) than the one which worked with
> swaks.  Thanks for the suggestion, Kevin, as it allowed me to play with
> settings against their two possible servers.  
> And thanks to Mike for his settings, which pointed out the fact that I
> had missed the glaring domain inclusion in the login name on the
> Earthlink site.
> And MANY THANKS to Earthlink for proving once again that the
> Linux/Debian community is far superior to such companies in their
> responsiveness to requests for help.  At least the tech side has the
> intelligence to use Exim on their servers...
> Cheers,
Hi Kenward,
some DD pointed me to swak which also helped up!
I wrote up something at http://wiki.debian.org/YahooAndExim4
see if it matches what you did. And maybe add a page for
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