On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 02:47:54PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Debian Support,
> Our K-8 elementary/middle school is considering the use of a Debian Linux
> machine as a cache proxy server and web filter.  We have a strictly
> Windows environment at this time and have No Linux experience.
> I was reading some of the Debian documentation on your web site and have a
> computer science background.  I have read an article titled "How To Set Up
> A Debian Linux Proxy Server" and remember using Unix in the early 1980's.
> My question is:  Can I set up an i386 computer with Debian Linux, Squid,
> and a webfilter (SquidGuard or DansGuardian) to act as a cache proxy
> server on our network?  We already have a gateway (router) and a
> file/printer server (Windows Server 2003).  I just want the Linux machine
> to act as a cache proxy server and web filter.  I do NOT want the Linux
> machine to act as a router/gateway.  I do NOT want the Linux machine to
> act as a web page or e-mail server.
> I realize that I will need to configure our web browsers to utilize the
> proxy server.
> Is the use for Debian Linux a good choice for this application?
> Randy Houk
> Saints Simon and Jude School
> Pittsburgh, PA USA
Hi Randy,
there are efforts to create Gnu/Linux school-specific distrubutions.
You can google for 'debian-edu' , skolelinux, edubuntu, k12linux, seul,
schooltools, and schoolbell to find various places for ideas, support
and help. There is also chanels on irc for real-time help.
By the way, all of the help you will recieve will not be from a company
but from the thousands of volunteer people around the world who spend
their free time helping folks to use the freedom-enabling technology
that is Free and open source software.
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