On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 10:47:21AM -0300, Bruno Buys wrote:
> Just installed a brand new etch on a athlon2400. Mouse is serial and xorg 
> won?t
> load complaining 'no core pointer'.
> I tried both imps2 and explore-something (the only 2 options), but no good.
> I also tried to locate my mouse, doing:
> cat /dev/input/mice (which is the suggested location, by dpkg-reconfigure
> xserver-xorg)
> cat /dev/ttyS0 (worked to me several times in the past)
> cat /dev/ttyS1
> cat /dev/ttyS2
> cat /dev/ttyS3
> None of them seem to have a mouse. ttyS0 when catted, throws a bunch of random
> unreadable chars in the screen without me even touching the mouse. When ctrl-
> c?ed, the prompt is left screwed. The other tty?s don?t cat anything at all.
> any ideas?
> thanks!
Maybe you need to load the kernel modules in /etc/modules as the kernel
and udev can not 'detect' a serial mouse being plugged in, at least that
is my understanding.  'sermouse' and 'mousedev' come to mind.
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