On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 11:42:40AM +1000, Duncan McDonald wrote:
> Hi All. I was wondering whether someone could help me explain a weird 
> PostgreSQL error I've encountered.
> I have two machines running Sarge stable, the first has been operating as a 
> database server for some time and the other I have just set up identically 
> to run as a backup database. Both machines used the default database setup 
> option during installation.
> Some of my scripts rely on the earth distance functions contained in the 
> 'postgresql-contrib' package, but for some reason the backup PostgreSQL 
> database does not recognise these functions. Eg. my latitude/longitude to 
> distance converter, which runs fine on the main machine, generates this 
> error message:
> "ERROR:  function ll_to_earth(numeric, numeric) does not exist
> HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need 
> to add explicit type casts."
> I've tried reinstalling the package in question but it had no effect. Does 
> anyone have a theory why it would run on one and not the other?
Did you enable the target language using createlang(1) on the new server?



Roberto C. Sanchez

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