On 10/13/2006 04:59 AM, Mirto Silvio Busico wrote:
Hi all,
I had to downgrade openoffice to version 2.0.3.
Now I need to avoid that this package will b e upgraded again.

Following the manuals I put in apt files (in /etc/apt):

APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";
Acquire::::Proxy "false";
APT::Default-Release "testing";



Package: openoffice.org*
Pin: version 2.0.3*
Pin-Priority: 10001


But apt-get update; apt-get -s dist-upgrade tell me that apt still want
to upgrade openoffice to the 2.0.4~rc3-1 version.

What I'm doing wrong, or what is missing?


Since I use aptitude, I would do this: aptitude hold openoffice.org-bin

If you don't like aptitude, this should work:
echo "openoffice.org-bin    hold" | dpkg --set-selections



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