On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 21:29:10 -0400
Scott Lair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> could try ffmpeg to convert to dv format which kino will recognize.
>> I think i've done this with mpeg4 videos from my still/motion camera.

>I've used mencoder successfully from time to time to take a few videos
>from the camera (my Kodak EasyShare C310, does video, but no audio
>recording) to convert those files (which come up in .mov format) to
>mp4, with about a 25% space savings on average, but then I can't edit
>them with kino.

>kino expects quicktime format, which I thought that the .mov file was

I thought kino wanted dv format.  Generally the type that is captured directly
from mini-dv cameras.  Although I have not tried any other formats with it.

>I wasn't aware that ffmpeg would do the conversion to digital video,
>and so I tried it on the sample files that I have, and find this to
>not be successful. For instance:

I converted some videos from a casio Z600 that produces MPEG4 and got
them on dvd.  I'm sure I used the ffmpeg -target ntsc-dv to convert the
files for kino, but now when I try it on a casio S600... it fails.  I'm not 
sure what
the difference would be.  Unfortunately I do not have the z600 files anymore to 
I was successfull converting the files from the casio s600 to mpeg format using 
the script found here:
this uses transcode to do the encoding and seemed to work well.  At least the 
was present and appeared to be in sync.

>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp$ tcprobe -i chrisdriving1.mp4
>[tcprobe] RIFF data, AVI video
>[avilib] V: 20.000 fps, codec=FMP4, frames=3965, width=800, height=600
>[tcprobe] summary for chrisdriving1.mp4, (*) = not default, 0 = not
>detected import frame size: -g 800x600 [720x576] (*)
>       frame rate: -f 20.000 [25.000] frc=0 (*)
>   no audio track: use "null" import module for audio
>           length: 3965 frames, frame_time=50 msec, duration=0:03:18.250

The frame rate and frame size are both going to have to be changed.  I would
go ahead and give the transcode script a try. It worked for me first try.
I think it uses mplayer to get the information to encode and since mplayer
can play just about anything it should work.  Don't know why the audio is not
found.  Will the camera file play in mplayer?  Try to play the mpeg file after
running the script.  If that looks good then insert the file into kino.  Kino
will ask to convert it and that conversion should work fine.


>  Stream #0.0: Video: dvvideo, yuv420p, 800x600, q=2-31, 200 kb/s,
>25.00 fps(c) Stream mapping:
>  Stream #0.0 -> #0.0
>[dv @ 0xb7ee6230]Can't initialize DV format!
>Make sure that you supply exactly two streams:
>     video: 25fps or 29.97fps, audio: 2ch/48Khz/PCM
>     (50Mbps allows an optional second audio stream)
>Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?)
>Seems that it expects an audio track, but it's not letting me know how
>to not provide one.
>Tests on a sample taken from the camera (without any prior conversion)
>show that I can convert the file to a dv format with:
>ffmpeg -i <camerafile> -target ntsc-dv test.dv
>(The "ntsc" portion is not even mentioned in the manual page that I can
>see.) But kino tells me that this is not a digital video file, and the
>(default) file size is ridiculously large -- 170 megabytes for a 30
>second video clip.
>Oddly enough, adding 'maxrate' does not affect the size of the encoded

The ntsc/pal stuff is mentioned under the -target section.  I think those two
options apply to most of the formats.

Yes, dv format files are extremely large, about 13GB for one hour of video. I've
added disk space several times once I started doing video.  170mb for 30seconds
sounds about right without using a calculator.

hope that helps.

Currently running etch by the way.


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